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Cannula for the assisted blood circulation in heart surgery emergency

ReCoFlow is a 3D printed cannula tip for ECMO (ExtraCorporeal Membrane Oxygenation) applications.

ECMO is a technique for the assisted blood circulation in emergency heart surgery.

ReCoFlow is a patented geometry to control the forward and reverse blood flows coming from the extracorporeal circulation machine after the insertion the cannula into the aorta.

ReCoFlow is manufactured through the most advanced 3D printing techniques to achieve and control a complexity of fluid dynamic functions without moving parts.


Agt Labs has developed a line of solutions to

manufacture 3D parts the Orthopaedics and Rehab industries.

The solutions allow the manufacture of several structural and non structural parts and components in 3D technologies: corsets, insoles, lower and upper limb sockets, etc.

Depending on each Customer needs, Agt Labs supplies parts, machines and a full service: assistance in the design of the parts, their manufacture, the selection and customization of the machines, ancillaries and softwares, the installation at the Customer laboratories, the training, set up of the production and the service and and maintenance activities.

The activities can include, in time, the subsequent introduction of new materials and the identification new products or processes achievable through the use of the machines and the 3D printing technologies, targeting a better performance of the products, reductions in the manufacturing costs, and faster processing times.


Point Of Care Test

is an applied research project for a biochemical system to analyse the type of bacteria in a food or human fluid, allowing to select the relevant antibiotics in a few hours, avoiding the mix of antibiotics typical of the long assessment times required by the current methods.


POCT allows to obtain the results quickly and easily, through the use of specially selected reagents positioned in a self-contained module, developed by the project.


The automated box for the analysis can be positioned in a kitchen or in a hospital department, avoiding the need to involve the Clinical Analysis laboratories.

POCT Project leader is MBS Srl. Among the Partners, the Dept of Pharmacy of the University of Roma Tor Vergata, the Dept. of Clinical and Molecular Medicine of the University of Rome La Sapienza, and the Hospitals “Bambino Gesù” of the Vatican State and “S. Andrea” of Rome.



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